In order to meet the pressing needs of its target group, the ESFD signed an agreement with Palladium-under the LEEP (Project Fund funded by the U.K. Department for International Development -DFID)- to promote the creation of permanent jobs for Lebanese through the provision of additional products/services to the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) segment.
This will be done through the provision of a Matching Fund Facility for SME Borrowers on the top of the loan granted under the ESFD Programme. Qualified SME borrowers who meet LEEP eligibility criteria, will be able to benefit from a grant of up to 50% of the loan amount.
In order to support these objectives, compulsory business development services (BDS) will be provided by LEEP to the selected SMEs during the term of the Matching Fund Facility.
Above are pictures of the training conducted in this regard.