
Upgrading municipal services in Communities hosting Syrian Refugees 

Working at the Grass root level through a participatory approach is a key strategic objective for ESFD

Solid Waste

Promoting Integrated Solid Waste Management


Providing access to potable water

Waste Water

Complementing Government initiatives in waste water treatment


Targeting communities with high concentration of Syrian Refugees namely in the North and Beqaa. 

Rapid Participatory Appraisal (RPA)
The ESFD used the RPA to conduct needs assessment in Lebanese communities hosting Syrian Refugees in order to identify preliminary priorities for development interventions. RPA is a semi-structured activity characterized by its short duration, flexibility, low cost and its participatory aspect, carried out to collect quantitative data in a short time frame. Verification of data is based on triangulation that means cross checking the data collected from different sources, mainly direct observation coupled with semi-structured interviews of key informants and focus group discussions.  View more

Projects Identification
Identifying priority projects emerges from the Rapid Participatory Appraisal. Selecting projects eligible for financing is based on criteria including voluminous impact (number of communities and number of population served), the expected quick impact of the project and the percentage of Syrian refugees to local population in the targeted area. 

Projects Implementation and Sustainability
Selected projects are directly implemented by ESFD and handed over to the relevant stakeholders such as Water Authorities and Municipalities. 

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Projects Distribution by Sector

Solid Waste
Waste Water

Geographical Distribution by Governorate

Financing Infrastructure Projects



About 790,000

Communities benefited till now

The Infrastructure Program targets the most vulnerable areas all over the Lebanese territory