The Economic and Social Fund for Development –ESFD launched a training workshop for lettuce farmers in the community of Terbol- Bekaa, within the program framework aiming to provide services for treating agricultural pollution in the Litani River Basin, funded by the European Union.

The purpose of implementing workshops that are targeting lettuce farmers is to introduce the mechanisms and services available to treat agricultural pollution in the Litani Basin, specifically in the Unions of Municipalities as well as in the municipalities of: East Zahle, Zahle, Zahle-Al-Maala, Taanayel, Beheira, Al-Sahel and the Middle Bekaa. In this context, the demonstration plot was inspected by the ESFD team, being a pilot and modern experiment for cultivating lettuce in the community of Terbol - Bekaa.

This workshop constitutes a part of a series of workshops funded by the European Union, and implemented by the ESFD, within the framework of the implementation of the "Program for Local Development along the Litani River Basin - LRB".